Introductory and Fundamental Sailing Classes
Private Instruction & Customized Training
Experienced Sailors Certification Challenge
ASA101 Brush up
ASA101 – Basic Sailing (2-day semi-private)
ASA 101 Course
ASA 103 (3 Day) Basic Coastal Cruising
ASA 103/104 Combo
ASA 104 BareBoat Crusing with option for IPC
ASA105 Coastal Navigation
ASA105 Coastal Navigation Home Study
ASA118 Docking Endorsement

ASA105 Coastal Navigation Home Study
This course teaches navigational theory and practices for safe navigation of a sailing vessel in coastal and inland waters. It is offered in both a classroom and a home study version. Both include course materials and certification. The classroom version is held at the BaySail campus over 4 days (2 alternating weekends). For the home study version, students are sent all the course materials and then arrange to come to the BaySail office for a full day to take the exam, which must be monitored by an instructor. The instructor will also be available before the test for a short review and question & answer period before the exam. Register for the Home Study option to receive your study materials and schedule your test date any time during the season.
Please call for course schedule. ASA 105 rates include “Coastal Navigation” textbook, charts and ASA certification.
(Each student should bring plotting tools: parallel rule and dividers.)